Monday, August 19, 2013

How to Shape Leather Flower Petals Without Using Traditional Flower Making Tools

I had all intentions of making a live video showing how I shaped these leather flower petals without using traditional flower making tools, as I hinted to doing in a previous post.  But as I was completing this post, one of my last two aunts passed away.  When I would visit her, she would always grab my cheeks, screaming, "My favorite niece! My favorite niece!"  My other aunt, having no children, was feed up with years of this asked me, "Do you realize that you are her only niece?"  I was in my 30s, and never realized this fact.  So, at my aunt's funeral, I had this flower placed inside her casket.  Thank you so much auntie (the both of you) for making me feel as if I were the only niece in the world.

Last year I posted a similar flower making post on using non-traditional tools to shape fabric flower petals.  If you haven't read the post, I suggest that you take the opportunity to do so because I give references to resources that will show you how to assemble an artificial flower. Plus, some of the things shown in the fabric flower petal video will be of help to you if you are not familiar with making hand made flowers.  Maybe somewhere down the road I'll make a live flower making video; I'm just not feeling it now, as my remaining aunt has been ill.

Anyway below is my video/slideshow showing the leather flower shaping process I used when making the red leather rose.  Also following is a video wherein the edges of the flower petals were shaped; this is the method I used.  Although the flowers in this video are made in silk fabric, the method of shaping the edges of the petals is the same.  Finally, follow my flower making board on Pinterest; there is plenty of information there on flower making.  Enjoy!!


  1. Dear Lee, that's a touching story. Will watch your tutiorial! Thank you. Xx

  2. So very sorry for the loss of your Aunt. I am sure that in spite of being her only niece, you probably really were her favorite so don't look any further. You should have no more sorrow.

    1. Thanks Marcia,

      Her passing was peaceful; she was 90 and I'm glad that she did not suffer. I'm happy to have had her in my life.


  3. Good Morning Lee
    This is Linda I took a class at Manual Arts High School with you. I am
    Sorry to hear that your aunt is ill , she will be in my prayers for a full
    Recovery . I sure do miss you . Believe it or not i wish we still were in a position to regroup at that school, oh well. Please take care .

    1. Hi Linda,

      It's good to hear from you. Thank you for the prayers. I also miss everyone. I think it was in May that a few of us got together and had a potluck. We had so much fun. Send me an email so I can let you know when we will be getting together again. Please keep in touch.


  4. Hi Lee,

    It's Mar from Spain ( I've just begun into millinery world and I've found it absolutely amazing. I've just discovered your blog and it is fantastic. Lots of great ideas and many things to learn from you.

    Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.

    Regards from Madrid.

    1. Thanks Chick Marelia, I wish you much success in your new found joy, millinery! If you have an idea for a tutorial you are interested in, just let me know.

  5. Cuanta ternura en tu post. Un saludo afectuoso.

  6. thanks for sharing a newbie milliner it's greatly appreciated.

    1. Thanks Tracy, I'm happy that you find something useful here. Also, please let me know if there is something in particular that you would like addressed here.

  7. So very sorry for the loss of your Aunt. I am sure that in spite of being her only niece, you probably really were her favorite so don't look any further. You should have no more sorrow.

    1. Thank you Priyanka, I agree, plus she lived a very long life.

  8. I have just discovered your blog and found it amazing, I am just starting an a millinery course at Uni and find your tips and tutorials so helpful, Thank you

  9. Thank you, creatingcostumesforyou. Stay tuned; more to come.
