I couldn't post without a hat, and I didn't want to go into my hat archive, so I've started making the hat at your right. It has not been completed yet, but I'll write more about it in another post. Now to the competition stuff.
The Theme: Elegant, Fun Couture Hats
Please, this is serious. Only submit serious hats. I have a board on Pinterest labeled "Millinery: Fun Couture Hats. There I pin hats that I feel are fun and unique and/or hats that I study and learn from, as I do on all of my boards. Your idea of a fun couture hat may be different. Please take a look.
Competition Dates: June 5 to August 15, 2014
The deadline to submit your hats is 12:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time--the States' West Coast--August 15, 2014.
Number of Hats to Submit
You are only allowed to submit one hat. I feel that the load of more than one hat is just too much for the judges to deal with, at least for me that is. Sorry, but at least you can make that one hat your best hat ever.
- The hat must be made between June 5 and August 15 (like I can monitor that :) )
The prizes will consist of a variety of millinery supplies (straws, felts, hat stretchers, trim, etc.), an
Distribution of Prizes
The Best in Competition will choose the prize of her/his choice first. The Second in Competition will choose her/his choice second. Prizes for the remaining winners will be written on paper and pulled from a bucket. I said I was unconventional, didn't I? One time I won the highest place in a competition, but I would have loved to have received the second place prize. Also, I once won at a lower level but I felt that the prize I received was better; so, why not let the highest winners pick the prizes of their choice.
The Judges and Judging--To Be Announced at Later Date
There will be from three to five judges; I will be one of them. Why three to five? Because I'm biased as to what I like, and I really would like to have judges of varying tastes. A score card will be distributed to the judges, and each category can be given a one to 10 rating, with workmanship weighted to two. So it would be possible to get a score of 10 in each category, except in workmanship with a possible rating of up to 20.
- Categories: Workmanship, Originality, Balance (overall appearance), Color (remember that color means more than bright vibrant colors), Presentation, Theme Appropriateness; and standing on it's own, Judge's Choice.

Winning Categories (Tentative--I may have to work on this.)
Best in Competition, Second in Competition, Most Innovative, Most Representative of Theme, Workmanship (weighted--this must be high in order to win Best in Competition), Best Overall Design, Individual Judge's Choice (three to five--OH YES!). I was in a competition once, having three judges, where two judges chose my hat and one felt that another should win Best in Show. One of the judges kept moving the award from my hat until the other two judges gave in. Another time one of three judges said that he preferred my hat. This happens all the times with others. So this is a chance for each judge to pick her/his choice.
You must be a follower of this site and you must live on this planet; so yes all are welcome to submit a hat no matter where you live in the world. If you decide to unfollow this site, that is totally up to you. However, I would love for you to stick around.
You must submit at least four views of your hat and the images must be clear--front, back, side, and underside--unless the design of the hat does not call for four.
Hat Details
If you are uncomfortable submitting construction details for your hat, that's quite acceptable. However, outer details--fabric used--should be submitted with your hat for description purposes (for example, my hat above: Feather cocktail hat, supported with vintage crinoline (crin) tubing and headband, trimmed with a red feather--or something like that.
Where to Store Images?

lduncan@hatstruck.com; however I would prefer that you post them to the group.
Note on the image to your right that there are two references to photos. The "Photos" circled in the image is the correct location to post your images. Click on "Photos" and create an album for your images. Label your album as follows:
Hatstruck Couture Millinery 2014
Elegant, Fun Couture Millinery Competition," YourNameHere
HatMaterialsHere (outer covering--see above under Hat Details for an explanation). If these instructions are not clear please leave me a comment on this post.
A Suggestion for Newbies
I figure that all of us are at different levels in our millinery journey. Some may not possess the workmanship skills, but may have great design skills, or they may be very innovative. I would love for all to be comfortable submitting a hat. I must admit that I have a thing for workmanship. However, in the real world innovation and design may many times win out; actually they are extremely important because workmanship can be mechanical. But in order to win the Best in Competition, workmanship must be in place. So if you are new to millinery I would suggest that you don't tackle something that is beyond your skill level. It would still be possible to make an absolutely beautiful hat, well designed and neat, and still win the big prize, provided that you stick to this suggestion. Also, I have a another Pinterest board, Millinery: How Other Milliners and Hatters Do It, where I pin many millinery techniques that I find on the Web, some are merely references for my followers, as I don't always agree with some of the techniques and/or workmanship, but you will also find some good things there. Do some research and practice.
Good Luck! I'm sure I will have to revise some of this stuff.