High all! Below are the refined rules and guidelines for one of the best millinery contests ever--at least in my head. We will have crazy fun and wonderful prizes will be awarded to the winners. Please read these rules and guidelines carefully. If you have questions, please post them in the "Comments" section of this post.
Totally unrelated....! I couldn't resist Photoshopping another one of my hats onto First Lady
Michelle Obama's head (see image below). Since I doubt that she will ever be seen in a hat, other than when she is gardening, why not just have fun playing paper doll with a lovely First Lady. I've done this before, and I really had fun doing it. In order to give full credit to the image and the article that I copied it from, the story and original image can be found here. If she sees this image and likes it, I would suggest that she give Anya Caliendo (my choice), Philip Treacy, or Stephen Jones a call. Oh well, I can dream can't I. OK, back to the business at hand, the millinery competition.
The Theme: Elegant, Fun Couture Hats
Who Qualifies to Enter the Contest: You must be a member of this site.
No Anonymous entries will be accepted. Your screen name must be accompanied by your full name, if different, when your hat is submitted. In other words, if you do not want anyone to know who you are, please do not enter. After the contest, you may unfollow this blog site...but stick around if you like it. I would be more than happy to have you. Finally, THIS IS AN INTERNATIONAL CONTEST.
Mandel Ngan/Getty |
Competition Dates: Submissions accepted June 5 to August 15, 2014. Deadline for submittals, August 15, 11:59, Pacific time (West Coast, USA).
Number of Hats Accepted for Submission: One (1).
Guidelines for Finished Hat: The Hat must be made by the contestant, using any materials and techniques of her/his choice.
Images: There must be at least four to five images submitted--front, back, side(s), and inside; unless the hat can be seen in its entirety with fewer images.
The hat must be made between June 5 and August 15.
Judges: So far there are four (4) judges (maybe more to come). These will be announced shortly.
The Prizes: Millinery supplies (felts, straws, a hat block, hat stretchers, books, millinery trim, a cash prize, etc.).
Distribution of Prizes: Best in Competition will pick his/her prize first; Second in Competition gets second pick. Remaining prizes will be distributed as described in
my previous post.
Winning Categories: Best in Competition (highest score), Second in Competition (second highest scorer), Best Overall Design, Workmanship, Originality, Color, Presentation, Best Interpretation of Theme, Most Wearable, Honorable Mention, Judge's Choice (each judge will have her/his choice).
Scoring--range 1 to 10 in each category (multiplied by point value): Workmanship, 2 points; Design 1.5 points; all other categories 1 point. The winners will be those having the highest scores. If there is a tie between highest scorers (score after adding up all categories), those will be sent back to the judges for selection of the best from the highest scores. Again, winners will only be chosen based on their scores, ALL SCORING BEING INDEPENDENT--JUDGE BY JUDGE. The highest score after judges' scores have been added up and combined, will yield the winners; the TOP winners must score high in workmanship.
Hat Details: If you are uncomfortable submitting construction details for your hat, that's quite acceptable. However, outer details--basic materials used--should be submitted with your hat for description purposes.
Where to Store Images? I have created a group,
Hatstruck Couture Millinery, on Facebook where the images will be stored. If you are not a Facebook member, please email the images to me at lduncan@hatstruck.com and I will post the images for you; however I would prefer that you post them to the group.
Note the image to your right, there are two references to photos. Please note the correct location
CIRCLED IN RED where you should store your images.
The "
Photos" heading circled in the image, at the top of the Facebook
Hatstruck Couture Millinery group page is the correct location to post your images.
Click on "Photos" and create an album for your images.
Label your album as follows:
Hatstruck Couture Millinery 2014
Elegant, Fun Couture Millinery Competition
Your Name,
The Name of Your Hat (if any)
Hat Description
Have Fun!