Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Playing Catchup: My Fourth Place Contest Win; My Latest Millinery Sewing Machine Rescue
For those that don't follow me on FaceBook and/or are not a member of my Hatstruck Couture Millinery Group there, I thought I'd sh...
Monday, September 22, 2014
And the Winners Are! Official Hatstruck Competition Winners and Award of Prizes
1st & Judge's Choice --Mar Balmón Montiel 2nd --Zorza Goodman By now most of you have probably gotten word of the winners o...
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Another Little Competition Deadline Poke; Competition Prize Package Peak; More Buckram Form Discussion
This evening I thought I would continue the discussion from last evening: competition deadline; continued work on my buckram top hat form ...
Friday, August 8, 2014
Deadline for Millinery Competition Drawing Near; Burning Millinery Feathers; Preparing for a Competition I'll be Entering
By this time many of you are either excited about the Hatstruck millinery competition here, or you will be glad when it's over so that...
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Vintage Hat Pins, The Millinery Competition, Etc.
I was out all day yesterday, running various errands. I finally ended up at my favorite local thrift shop where I found the five vintage ha...
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